Heja KFUM Linköping!


It is such a privilege to be able to support your kids with their passion. More importantly, to be able to share their victories and losses, their happiness and sadness, their experiences - this is what parents could hope for. At least, that's how I aim to have memories with my kids.

Two weekends ago, we drove to Borensberg for Zach's basketball training matches and play round-robin against 2 teams from their division. It was a fine, sunny day 🌞 with parents driving the kids from Linköping and Motala all the way to Borensberg. The distance between these towns are 50kms apart. The parents need to dedicate some time off that weekend so they can bring the kids to the match.

Whenever a season starts, the matches usually take place during the weekend. It takes commitment for parents to accompany the kids to all their matches. For older kids, like Zeke, they even have matches during weekdays. I think the furthest we've driven for a match was actually for Zach, back when he was still playing football. It was in Gusum, around 90km, an hour or so drive from our place.

Not all parents have this luxury. Some parents have to work on weekends. Some families do not own a vehicle, so the parents have to ask favors from other parents to have their child tag along for the ride. I bet some would have wanted to watch their kids play but because of the circumstances, they are not able to.

We, in the family, sometimes get into this situation. Since Manong is coaching Zach's basketball team, we had to miss some of Zeke's game whenever they collide. (I wanted to say that it could have helped if I know how to drive but well, Manong and I would still prefer to watch both games so... 😳)

I feel that our presence as parents, being with our kids, and letting them feel our support and guidance, helps them mold to be better human beings, if not better parents. Whenever you can, be involved with your kids' life. And without you knowing it, you as a parent, becomes a better human being, as well.

And as for the matches, I shouted as loud as I could "Heja Linköping!". Zach's team won both games. The kids went home very happy 😍

Side note: As I was writing this, I was wondering if I should use furthest or farthest 😂 Here's the reference I found - Farther, farthest or further, furthest?


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