Gray Hairs


A sliver of light caught my eye as I was combing my hair. I was tempted to get my tweezers and pull out that gray hair, when I saw more popping up at the back. I thought to myself, I should stop doing this, else I'll end up pulling out most of my hair 😅 This was the point where I acknowledged my hair is really turning gray.

I used to pull out these gray hairs. It became a habit, and then an obsession. Every time I caught one, I just couldn't stop myself. I would end up spending more minutes than I wanted to, searching for any grays and pulling them out. I would even ask Manong to pull the ones at the back because I couldn't seem to aim at them. He was a great accomplice, as he couldn't resist the task 😂 At that time, it felt like I was conquering aging. Well, now, it has started conquering my hair.

I've chatted with a friend yesterday how we're feeling the lack of energy nowadays, compared to our younger years, that is. The change of hormones is a primary suspect but also, age is slowly catching up.

There are times that I find myself valuing time alone, or with just a few number of people around me, rather than being out on parties and such. I find myself drained when I needed to mingle and socialize. Strangely enough, it doesn't matter if they're old friends or new acquaintances.

I realized that at some point, I started limiting my circle. It may sound a bit snobbish but having a good conversation flowing takes a toll, that I would rather converse with people that I can actually have a conversation with, or be with people that I have similar interests with. I'm forrtunate to have such people around me.

It's really good to embrace aging. To be able to accept the gray hairs, the wrinkles, the lack of energy, and the occasional aching joints 😅 Embracing doesn't mean giving into it defeatedly, though. It is more of being able to accept it, but also helping ourself understand and face the consequences if we let aging speed up. It is at this stage that we should be more conscious of how we treat our body. Give it enough rest, and self care. Give our minds and thoughts the peace and quiet it needs so it can recuperate.

I've always believed that one must age gracefully. I would rather not stop it forcefully but let it take its natural course. Love that wrinkle that slowly starts to show. Enjoy, and slow down that pace. I have to remember, I should not get myself too busy lest life start passing me by.


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