When do you say enough is enough?
When do you say I give up?
When do you say I want to move on?
When do you say I want outta here?
When do you say I give up?
When do you say I want to move on?
When do you say I want outta here?
Seeing the crossroad ahead
Almost there, but not quite
Looming ahead, like a mirage
You think you see it, but unsure
You just keep on striving
Keep the pace, keep on moving
Sometimes dragging
Yet sometimes skipping
On and on and on
Until you ran out of breath
When you reach that crossroad
The edge of that fork, then decide
Almost there, but not quite
Looming ahead, like a mirage
You think you see it, but unsure
You just keep on striving
Keep the pace, keep on moving
Sometimes dragging
Yet sometimes skipping
On and on and on
Until you ran out of breath
When you reach that crossroad
The edge of that fork, then decide