I am a Woman and I am Going through Menopause


It's not easy being a woman. For most, the menstrual cycle is a series of ups and downs, and for some, even extreme pains. When the blessing of pregnancy comes, the surge of hormones and body changes happen. If one is not careful, it's so easy to get lost in a spiral of things like post partum depression, weight issues, and even health issues like developing diabetes. And then, of course, there is perimenopause and menopause.

Such a long list! Oh, to be a woman! 💪💖

I've said this a countless times, and even in my other blogs, the past weeks have been rough. My anxiety level was super high. My emotions were just going bananas. I would break down at the smallest things. My kids would see me during my attacks - unable to breathe, crying like crazy. Even my colleagues would witness my outbursts - in meetings and in discussions. It was super tough.

A few weeks back, I could just not disengage myself from the events of my day. My sleep was interrupted of conversations that happened that day, or even the problems I was working on at work! I just felt ready to give up, ready to quit. It would have been so easy! 

Friday night, on All Saints' Day, we went to church for Worship Night. I cried and sang my troubles out. I realized I needed help. I then asked my prayer warriors to pray for me. Their words of encouragement and daily reminders helped me kept going.

I also started a new course with my Lifegroup - Practicing the Way. Session 1 has talked about setting aside time to read and listen to God's words, as well as, pray and meditate. With the help of devotional apps, I have been doing my quiet time more deeply.

The weather has not helped. The cold and lack of movement had contributed much to my tension headache. It started getting dark early in the afternoon; this time at around 4:00PM, or even earlier. Sunrise is at 7:30AM 🌥. So I went back to my home exercise, to let all those sweat out. I started taking my vitamins D and my affron supplements to help me combat the sluggishness and stress.

The overwhelming beating of my heart has slowly steadied. I still cry or hyperventilate at times, but not as much.

It's challenging to try not to be emotional, especially at work and when I work mostly with men (I am the only female in a 10-man team). It's hard to explain that what I'm going through are hormones. It's such a hush-hush topic, and even rarely discussed between women. That should not be the case. We women, who knows what we're going through need to help each other. Understand each other, support each other. We need to let our partners and loved ones understand so they can support us during this rollercoaster ride. Happy to have a husband who hold hands with me, even if he gets tossed along the ride. 

Most of all, it is important to trust God with all of these struggles. He is our refuge and our strength. No matter what the circumstances, He is our champion. As the prayer Psalm 136 goes

Thank God! He deserves your thanks.
    His love never quits.
Thank the God of all gods,
    His love never quits.
Thank the Lord of all lords.
    His love never quits.

Thank the miracle-working God,
    His love never quits.
The God whose skill formed the cosmos,
    His love never quits.
The God who laid out earth on ocean foundations,
    His love never quits.
The God who filled the skies with light,
    His love never quits.
The sun to watch over the day,
    His love never quits.
Moon and stars as guardians of the night,
    His love never quits.

God remembered us when we were down,
    His love never quits.
Rescued us from the trampling boot,
    His love never quits.
Takes care of everyone in time of need.
    His love never quits.
Thank God, who did it all!
    His love never quits!


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